5 Step Process To Change Your Current Reality

Dimple Verma
3 min readNov 19, 2022

Changing your reality is simple if you understand the mechanics behind it.

Understand this –

We create our reality by:

  • How we think
  • What beliefs do we hold
  • The way we act based on it

If you’re experiencing a current reality that isn’t what you want — know that it’s a reflection of previous thought processes, belief systems & actions.

To avoid experiencing it further — create & focus on new thoughts & beliefs consciously that are in alignment with the reality that you do want to experience.

When you understand this, changing your reality becomes simple.

Here’s how:

1. Think of the ideal reality that you do want to experience

2. Check if your current beliefs about yourself match that reality

3. Acknowledge the gaps that exist between those beliefs & the ideal reality

4. Write down the beliefs that you’ll require to adopt to experience this new reality

5. Work on removing your old beliefs & establishing these new beliefs every single day

Example –

The ideal reality that you want to experience — “I want to become my highest self”

Your current beliefs about yourself:

- Lazy

- Inactive

- Not smart enough

This is the current self-image that you hold of yourself in your mind.

This will never allow you to become your highest self.

So we have to work on removing these negative beliefs & establish new beliefs that will help — you move toward your ideal reality.

How to do that?

Connect with me on Instagram at @ becomeyouridealself

It’s simple:

  • Rewriting your current beliefs
  • Rewiring your mind with repetition & emotional impact
  • Consciously practising it every single day

Rewrite your current beliefs:

Start by rewriting your current dominant beliefs about yourself.

Example -

“I’m not good enough”

Now becomes..

“I can get better at anything if I put my mind to it.”

— -

“I never get anything I want.”

Now becomes..

“My actions are always rewarded.”

Rewrite your current beliefs into affirmations that help you make the shift.

Rewiring your mind with repetition & emotional impact:

Now to drill these new beliefs into your mind, you need to practice.

Tell me, how did you come to believe all these negative things about yourself?

You repeatedly thought these things about yourself.

You repeatedly talked about yourself like this.

You felt it emotionally.

You acted on it.

If you believe you’re lazy & can’t work hard -

When the situation came when you had to work hard at something, you told yourself (consciously or unconsciously) that you were lazy or unfocused.

You reminded yourself of it.

That’s how it became an action (or inaction).

Now by repeating your new beliefs, you can make yourself believe them.

And change your self-image from that of a person who’s lazy to that of a person who can change themselves & become focused.

This will require being aware.

Whenever you’re about to do something, pause for a moment & notice what your current thoughts are.

What are you internally saying about yourself?

What are you currently thinking about yourself?

When you become aware of it, you can then consciously change it to new beliefs.

You can talk to yourself & remind yourself of it.

This will in turn change your actions.

Consciously practising it every single day:

Now practice it consciously.

Every single day.

With everything you do.

Stay aware & work on it.

When you tell yourself — “I’m a focused person.”

Don’t just say it & then open Instagram.

Say it & then work/study for half an hour with complete dedication.

Align your actions with your beliefs.

Do this with everything.

Soon you’ll find yourself shifting into a completely different you.

And soon enough you’ll find yourself shifting your current reality.


P.S. If you want to become your absolute best self before 2022 ends, check out the 1st Link in my bio!

I have a Gift for you! 🎁

